Analysis of ISO, IEC, CEN, CENELEC standardisation systems

Considering the goal of CHARISMA of rationalising the key aspects of Raman spectroscopy to improve and extend its use for characterization, having a good knowledge of current practises, processes and methodologies is crucial. As part of this analysis of the state of the art, CHARISMA has completed a screening of the works performed by the standardisation organizations ISO, IEC, CEN and CENELEC. Under these European and international standardization organizations global standards in many fields are developed, representing the knowledge accepted and used by the industry in a specific sector.

The analysis of ISO, IEC, CEN, CENELEC environments has two objectives. First, the availability of this information at the very early stage of the project allowing to acknowledge what topics are standardised, eases the use of existing knowledge and facilitates the compatibility of project results with these accepted standards. Secondly, a detailed overview on European and international standardization committees and standards provides a good starting point to look for existing gaps that could be addressed by future standardization initiatives. Indeed, this is the first step towards the main objective regarding ISO, IEC, CEN, CENELEC standardization systems, which is to transfer the results of CHARISMA to future accepted standards.

CHARISMA’s Consortium counts with a Standardization Body, UNE, representing CEN and CENELEC, leading these tasks, what provides the relevance, knowledge and experience in the standardization system and its internal procedures.

CHARISMA aims to harmonize Raman characterisation of materials from an overarching perspective covering spectrum recording and normalisation, post-acquisition spectra processing and analysis and representation of spectra (databases). So this analysis of the relevant ISO, IEC, CEN, CENELEC standards is completed with a wider review covering protocols, reference samples, manuals, algorithms, academic publications, hardware, quantitative analysis, relevant IoT standards, API, formats, ontologies or databases for these aspects.


Press Release (December 2021)


June Press Release