The 9th International Conference on Advanced Applied Raman Spectroscopy (RamanFest2022) will feature presentations from world-leading Raman experts and researchers using the technique across varied applications within life science, materials science, and energy and environmental analysis. It will bring together the world's Raman community to share, learn and discuss how Raman spectroscopy is being applied to today's problems and pioneering tomorrow's capabilities.
Biology, Biomedicine, Biomedical imaging, Disease characterization
Advanced materials, Low-dimensional materials, Materials Science
Semiconductors and Metrology
Energy and Environmental Analysis, Remote sensing
Nanoscale Raman, Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS)
Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS), Plasmonics
Cultural heritage
Coherent methodologies (e.g., CARS, SRS), non-linear and time resolved
Novel Techniques, analytics and their applications