The Fraunhofer LBF looks back on 80 years of experience in the field of structural durability and nowadays has expanded this core competence with the expertise in adaptronics, plastics and system reliability. The Department Plastics at Fraunhofer LBF has got deep expertise in the analysis of polymer compounds with regard to the spatial distribution of components and their morphological characteristics. The Materials Analysis Group at Fraunhofer LBF, Div. Plastics, is a leader in the fields of chromatographic analysis and confocal Raman microscopy of polymers.
Role in the project
Fraunhofer leads Work Package 4: HARMONISATION OF RAMAN DATA. Fraunhofer LBF drives this essential CHARISMA Work Package with their expertise in Raman spectroscopy, hyperspectral imaging, materials analysis, as well as multivariate data processing and statistical model development in Python. For this, the Fraunhofer institute located in Darnstadt, Germany is equipped with a cutting-edge WITec Alpha 500 Raman microscope with in-situ and water immersion capabilities, and a Dell PowerEdge R630 server with 36 cores for data processing. Furthermore, Fraunhofer LBF makes core contributions to CHARISMA Work Packages 3 (Harmonisation of Raman measurement) and 5 (Integration of Raman spectra into interoperable harmonised databases) as Deliverable stakeholder, and cooperates in WPs 7 and 8.
People engaged
Dr. Bastian Barton
Dr. Bastian Barton is a staff scientist at Fraunhofer LBF focusing on Raman and IR microscopy methods development for complex polymer materials. He implements chemical imaging on the micro- down to the atomic scale, and employs machine learning and data science tools to get more out of analytical data. B.B.’s analytical skills and expertise comprises transmission electron microscopy, confocal Raman microscopy, image processing, and sample preparation.