CHARISMA Raman School 2024: A Productive Week in Rome

Group photo from the Raman School 2024

The CHARISMA Raman School 2024, held from Sunday, July 28 to Friday, August 2, at the Sapienza University of Rome, provided an engaging environment under the hot and sunny skies of Rome. Focused on "Precision and Consistency in Raman Spectroscopy," this year's school followed the first edition in Turin.

Participants from various countries and regions attended insightful presentations and practical sessions, engaging in productive discussions on the latest advancements in Raman-related research. As a satellite of the ICORS 2024 Conference, the event offered valuable opportunities to network with experts in the field.

Lecture Sessions on Sunday

Sunday’s agenda included sessions on the fundamentals of Raman spectroscopy, data processing, and emerging applications.

The presentations will be shared on our website and via our social media channels very soon!

Applying Raman techniques on Friday

The hands-on session on Friday allowed participants to gain practical experience with various Raman techniques and tools. The networking event in the evening enabled attendees to connect over dinner, fostering professional relationships and collaborations.

We thank the ICORS conference team for hosting the CHARISMA Raman School as a satellite event, contributing to its success!

The event was well-organised, and the contributions from our speakers were highly appreciated. As we reflect on this year's activities, we look forward to continuing to advance the field of Raman spectroscopy.

For any further queries, please contact us and to learn more about CHARISMA, follow us on social media.


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