Insights from CHARISMA Raman School 2022
After a busy summer of planning and organisation, CHARISMA Raman School 2022 successfully took place on 18-19 October 2022 at INRiM facilities in Turin, Italy.
As the preceding satellite event of this year’s VAMAS (The Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards) Steering Committee Meeting, CHARISMA Raman School 2022 attracted Raman scholars and manufacturers from all over the world. From early stage researchers to the well-known experts in the Raman spectroscopy field, the attendees got together to exchange knowledge and ideas about the current state of Raman-related research.
As the school agenda was designed to cover as many aspects concerning the Raman spectroscopy and its applications as possible, the school had already raised the expectations from the very moment it was announced to the larger Raman public.
Two days of lively discussions and community building among Raman scholars of all academic stages
The school started with the CHARISMA Project’s scientific coordinator Miguel Bañares’s (CSIC) opening speech “Fundamentals of Raman spectroscopy” on 18 October 2022. After a day full of interesting presentations covering topics from exploration of Mars to imaging techniques, data science, machine learning and modelling, the Raman manufacturers who took the opportunity to meet the Raman researchers at our school held a demonstration session showcasing their instruments and their potential to contribute to Raman applications.
Miguel A. Bañares is delivering his presentation.
Similarly, the second day of the school was full of other interesting topics that inspired lively Q&A sessions. Data management, standardisation, characterisation, harmonisation, quality control and imaging were among the topics that served as drivers for many prolific conversations among the speakers and the audience. The school participants also had the chance to pay a visit to the INRiM labs. The school ended with a round-table session titled “Round table: Quo vadis, Raman?”, and revealed the vital energy and effort for Raman-related science and technology by the researchers and future researchers of Raman.
Gathering around the dinner table: CHARISMA & VAMAS social dinner
But, was the school all about “all work, no play”? Not even close. In addition to the academic conversations during the presentations, Raman School participants enjoy coffee breaks and lunches together, enabling them to get to know their academic fellows in a more casual fashion. On top of that, the social dinner, which was jointly organised by INRiM, VAMAS and CHARISMA and took place in the evening of the first day of the school, made possible for everyone from all organisations to enjoy great Italian food and beverage as well as a warm, friendly atmosphere.
CHARISMA’s scientific coordinators Miguel A. Bañares and Raquel Portela with Raman School participants.
CHARISMA Raman School 2022 presentations are going online!
The presentations delivered during our school are now open to the public. You can click the button below and download the presentations for your future reference. Please keep in mind that the content will be updated as we receive the updated/revised versions of the presentations from our reputable speakers.
We look forward to the next one!
Considering the extraordinary amount of positive feedback we have been receiving from our participants, we are proud to say that our school successfully carried out its objectives. We already look forward to organising our next event! In the meantime, remember to follow CHARISMA to get updates on our future events and organisations.
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